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“Better Space Better Life”——

·Business philosophy: Morals first and human oriented

·Green, environmental protection and safety monitoring during the design and construction course, well reflecting humane care

Culture Platform

·Highly unification of social responsibility, corporate development and employees’ values
·To realize industrialization of interior and exterior decoration works through professional management and technical training
·Establishing safety certification system of environment friendly building materials, placing great effort to build safe and healthy indoor and outdoor space, to realize green, energy-saving, environment friendly building decoration
·Always focus on cutting-edge new materials and new technology, pay great attention to science and cultural content
·Striving for the promotion of leapfrog development of interior and exterior design

Contact us

20/F, Jingtai Building, No.1175, Xietu Road, Shanghai
T +86 21 64042231 F +86 21 64042230
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